Crazy day today, started in a rush because I woke up late and I had to dash to my class to avoid being late. The lecture wasn’t so bad so I would say I enjoyed classes a bit. After class Phil and I hung together a bit before I called up Elena for our clinic appointment, I have been having some issues disturbing me about my sexual health and Elena had booked appointments for us with a doctor at a private clinic she knew. I was a bit scared because I didn’t want to come down with anything.
I so hate hospitals but being there with Elena helped a bit, the cray bitch helped calm my frayed nerves. Luckily for me I came out clean and Elena also decided to have her HIV test. There were some issues with her blood sample which meant she had to take it again and she was really scared she might come out positive (Lord knows what that hoe has been up to). After much delay the result was out and she came out negative.
Met two new guys today courtesy of one of my friends Barry, I was on my way back to my apartment when I ran into him and he asked to me accompany him to see some of his guys. One actually turned out cute and trust your girl to do a bit of flirting around and in the end he came to drop me off at the apartment. *Sad sigh what’s a lonely girl supposed to do? I can see the end of me and Maxwell coming soon!
Wednesday started out bright and beautiful but for life for me wasn’t looking so shiny in the morning. Classes today are usually busy for me so I was a bit grumpy in the morning and even more so with the issue on ground with Elena and Annie. I haven’t been spending much time with my roommate Mide even though we have been friends for three years now. Miss Perfect Elena called in the evening demanding for a meeting in school; it turned out she wasn’t ready to accept her flaws just yet. Elena doesn’t think she has anything to apologize about which is just plain infuriating. I couldn’t stand the silent fight no more so I brought up the Wendy incident and emptied my heart out to Elena. I informed Miss Perfect I had told Wendy’s beau to back off and go stick with Wendy. Elena kept insisting I should tell Wendy that the dude is a cheat but doesn’t she realize that guys are bound to cheat? This guy makes Wendy happy so is it really my place to ruin that happiness by informing her that the guy is a bit flirtatious, telling her about her ex’s little thingy with Elena was one thing, I am not about to ruin her happiness again. We were still talking when it started raining cats and dogs so we had to hide in one of the school’s cafeteria and it was then Miss Perfect accepted she might have been acting out lately to deal with some frustrations she has been going through. We talked about Slutty Wendy who has the habit of falling for all the guys on the universe. When the rain subsided Elena headed for her apartment and I decided to get food for Mide and myself, guess who I ran into? A friend of Wendy’s, Frank, he paid for the food and…
Today? I don’t even know what to say about the day. Dressed up looking fab and gorgeous as usual and in all my confidence sashayed to my class only to find out that it wasn’t going to hold. I was really pissed and this was only further aggravated with the fact that it wouldn’t stop raining. It kept pouring heavily keeping me in the lecture hall for about one hour. A whole hour wasted doing nothing but waiting for the rain to stop. Finally it subsided and I headed back to the apartment, waiting for Annie’s call (we are supposed to go to a clinic together, the poor girl thinks Maxwell might have given her something). Getting to the clinic brought out my hyper mode and I was acting all gaga, maybe it was because Annie was with me. The doctor and I had a really crazy chat and it was fun. Annie did her test and came out negative and I also did mine. Wait for it! There was some mix up and the test result was all complicated and I had to undergo again but phew came out clean.* I had an editor’s meeting so I had to dash off and since it was around Bonnie’s apartment we hooked up and settled our differences. I got my best friend back and that is really cool. She explained the whole Wendy situation and I made sure I didn’t judge. Rest of the day went by in a blur and now bed calls.
Wait o, this is going to be a daily diary entry ish? Wow. You are trying. Those of us who run weekly series have it rough, let alone a daily thing.