The ‘man’ that opened the gate had this funny walk until I got down from the car and realized I was staring at a girl dressed as a man. Boy, was I speechless; she had on a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized T-shirt with a red bandanna tied over her low-cut hair. Jesus! I couldn’t be sure if what I was looking at was male or female and the surprise must have been so evident on my face because she looked at me with this mean look and asked what I was staring at. Gbade who had gone to park the car was here by now and quickly took my hand as he apologized to her for his boyfriend’s rudeness. Gbade led me to a corner of the compound and that was when he spilled the beans.
“Listen up Femi, this is a lesbians’ party, I got the info from one of my paddies and I don’t care if these girls dig each other all I care about is that there are gonna be loads of boobs and booties swinging around the place. We are allowed in because they think we are gay so you better start acting the part if you don’t want to get your heart ripped out by one of those.”
He tilted his head in the direction of the girl that had just opened the gate for us and I swallowed. She was looking fierce and looked like the kind of girl that could hold her own in a fight with a guy. Gbade took my hand then and led me into the house where the party was in full swing and I stood shock rooted to the spot. The room was majorly occupied with girls but they were of different kinds. I separated them into two kinds; the butch and the femme. The butch were the ones that acted as the men and they looked like real niggerz so much that I wondered what a punch from one of them would feel like, the butch were of two kinds as well but I am not ready to go into that. Then the femmes were your everyday girls that you would never believe played on the same team. Tall, beautiful and sexy girls that could easily pass as models and actresses all dressed up in their feminity and sexiness (every red blooded guy’s dream). There were the random guys too (obviously the gay guys Gbade had mentioned). I stared ad two tall, fair girls took to the dance floor and gyrated to Beyonce and Shakira’s “Beautiful Liar.” They grinded against each other and shook their boobs to the leering audiences. Gbade went to the dance floor and entered their middle as he held the waist of one and rested his head on the other’s boobs while whining his waist. Obviously this was allowed since he was supposed to be gay and suddenly I understood what Gbade was up to. He had come here to tap and enjoy all the goodies for free under the pretext of being a gay guy and I was supposed to be his undercover boyfriend.
As I stared at Gbade and the two goddesses on the dance floor, I scanned the room to see where I could pitch my tent and that was when one of the gay guys walked up to me. He was reeking of smoke and alcohol and he tapped my butt. My first instinct was to slap him and I felt repulsion take over me as I looked at the idiot in disgust. He leaned down on me and whispered in my ear “Seems your boyfriend abandoned you, why not let daddy take care of you?” I pushed him aside and barked “back off.” I was surprised at the strength in my own voice and some heads turned to look at us. A really pretty dark girl walked up and took my hand and flashing my unwanted admirer a smile, she pulled me along with her. She asked for my name and asked if Gbade was my boyfriend, I looked at my best friend dancing his life away and she must have mistaken it for me missing him because she took my hand and laid it on her chest (or should I say breast) and said “Don’t worry I don’t have a gf in this circle so Tracy will keep you company, let’s have our girl fun.” My heart was beating fast and a boner was forming in my trouser. I hoped Tracy wasn’t going to notice, how the hell do those gay guys get access to all of these and pass it up? I laughed with her and picking up one of the alcohol bottles on the table I poured it down her blouse making her already see through blouse all the more transparent. The girls beside us whopped excitedly as Tracy shrieked in happiness and taking my head she dipped it into the cleavage of her breasts “Oh naughty naughty, now you have gotten Tracy all wet, better lick me dry!”
I took in the scent of her skin and the softness of her breasts against my cheek had me going gaga, taking a deep breath, my tongue peeked out and traced the droplets of alcohol on her breasts. Tracy giggled and slapped my butt, this time I didn’t mind the butt tapping, a butch girl from the other table came over and poured the alcohol over my head on Tracy’s boobs and I said a little prayer of thank you. She was giving me more reason not to come up from the valley of sweetness I dived back in, it was obvious I had a full boner now...
To be continued
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Bad Gbade see opportunity while the other just dey dull. kai if na me ehnnn!! no mind if borner show o