Some lecturers are the definition of boredom and that is exactly what the lecturer that took today’s course was, she droned on and on boringly for two straight hours but I spared myself the horror by taking a trip to lala land. To make up for having been a bad student I went reading with Phil and believe me reading with a cutie is always fun.
The time flew so quickly I didn’t realize we had been reading for five straight hours. Then I ran into Bonnie on campus and boy was she looking miffed! It was obvious she is still mad at Elena so we didn’t really dally much for any chit-chat, when she is in her monster mood; it’s always best to stay clear.
Oh crap, this was the bad part of the day; I misplaced my ATM card and boy was I stranded. I didn’t have any money on me and I felt really pissed. Elena’s apartment is the closest to mine so I dialed her up but she turned out to be a big sly. She gave excuses about not having cash to spare and it was a stranger Samaritan that ended up buying me dinner. Tuesdays are so drab and I can’t wait to have it over already, bed calls already.
How I hate Tuesdays! Woke up with a lazy yawn and hate in my heart; yea hate in my heart. I am still totally mad at Elena and I am usually free today but an emergency class was fixed so I hated the day already. Elena is so much a part of me that a fight with her has the ability to ruin my days on end. Seeing Annie today only reminded me of Elena so I was a bit off handed with Annie. It hurts like hell not to be with my girls, day was boring and drab and it took all self restrain not to call up that lovable c*nt. I had to concentrate on my upcoming test which ended up not holding and that only got me madder still, could the day be any worse? I was on my way back to the apartment when the devil herself waved at me from a cab. Little Miss Perfect in all her majestic glory, I felt like screaming “Say hi to the devil when you get to where you came from” but I restrained myself and forced a smile which I know wasn’t lost on her. It was just like they were all sent to frustrate me, Wendy’s intending boyfriend who is the cause of the whole misunderstanding in the first place called today to say he wanted to see me…till then
Tuesdays, how I look forward to them, it’s the day before Wednesday and Wednesdays usually bring a break from boring classes. I am over the tiff with Bonnie but it is clear she is still upset. We didn’t chat all day which is unusual because no day goes by without talking with my favourite bitch in the world. When I was headed to Samantha’s place and I hailed her from the cab, her response was cold. A confirmation that she still bears the pain and wound of yesterday. Classes were really drab for me so it went by in a flash, I missed hanging with Annie and Bonnie but everybody has kept to themselves to avoid further confrontations. I had just gotten back to my apartment when I realized that the tablet my boyfriend Nelly had sent me was missing from my bag. I had gone to only Samantha’s place with the bag and she had actually asked me for it some couple of weeks back. I was angry that she could have resorted to petty stealing so I stormed to her place. She denied the allegations at first but her flat-mate Bisi said she had seen it with her and she had to release the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. That petty thief! These hoes ain’t loyal and that is why I want my Bonnie back.
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Drama drama drama... lol