At one point or the other in our lives we all have felt betrayed or heartbroken by that special someone who we thought was the centre of our universe. While some shed the tears freely and succumbed into depression, others found a way of growing stronger and getting over it. Below I have listed four simple tips on getting over the seemingly difficult situation:
Get Busy: The first thing I have learnt from the master called love is that when it seems your entire world has been shattered into a million pieces, the best thing to do is to get busy. It will be difficult at first but you can always look for something to get you busy; being busy helps get your mind off the person. Focus your energy into something positive, if you channel your anger, depression, hate and sadness rightly, you will be surprised at what you can achieve (some of my best articles have come from times when I was depressed and needed something doing). If you can’t seem to find something to keep you busy, you can start by giving yourself the strenuous task of picking up those million pieces that your world got shattered to (that should keep you busy enough till the world ends).
Hang Out With Friends and Loved Ones: If you are the type that believes cutting yourself off from your family and friends during this dark time is the best thing, you are totally wrong. You need all the loving of your best pals and family to help keep you cheered. Depression can only set in when you brood, replace the bitter memories with cherish moments spent with those that truly give a damn about you. Nothing kills your ex more than knowing that you have a good life without them and your happiness doesn’t rely solely on them. Your family and friends keep you from having feelings of worthlessness and your self esteem is forever high.
Get Grooving: People think am a freak when I say the best time to have a good time is while trying to get over your ex or going through heartbreak. So he dumped you or she said it is over? Get out your dancing shoes and if you are a girl, this period is the best time to slap on some lipstick and get grooving. Go out and show that jerk or loser that you were fine before they came along and you are still fine without them. Flirt with other guys/girls and feel young at heart but note that you shouldn’t get carried away while doing this so you don’t end up with another failure.
Get Laid: Yes I said it! A good lay is one heartbreak healing therapy that many fail to recognize. Why sit and brood over someone that has moved on with their life, the first thing that can help you get over him/her is to get their stink off you. Pick that charming guy or that good looking girl that has always been tempting while you were in a relationship and have some fun, who knows you might even like it better with the fling and turn it permanent! While many will disapprove of this tip, countless people have testified about it so it’s about personal choice.
So there you have it, my very own tips for healing a broken heart or getting over an ex. If any of this doesn’t work for you, feel free to follow me on Twitter @gidigenius and ask for advice on the fastest means of committing suicide, I will follow back before you kill yourself with grief and sadness (at least I will know I have one permanent follower that won’t unfollow me). Do remember that heartbreak only lasts for as long as we really want them to.
Poshkid Gidigenius is a National Diploma holder in Mass Communication from Yaba College of Technology. He currently majors in English at the University of Lagos and has a voracious appetite for Literature. He is also passionate about writing and has been a contributing author on a number of blogs. He has a love for entertainment and has written a number of opinionated articles on issues concerning the entertainment industry. Follow on Twitter or Instagram @gidigenius
OMG!! .. Thank you so much!! .. This is the truth!! ..☑