This letter is an epilogue Letter to my 2013 Ex, if you missed that CLICK HERE
The tears ushered me into the New Year, a burden of pain I bore as I trudged on life’s weary path. Suddenly a beacon of light appeared in my dark world; I found a rare gem on the dirt road that I chose to walk on (Drake’s Voice: Best I ever had, you the fucking best). Like the beautiful star far up in the sky, out of reach yet
lightning our world I found you (Beyonce’s Voice: It’s like have been reawakened, I got my angel now and am addicted to your light). Soft and sweet you made me forget the sorrows of my past and the tears I cried (Beyonce’s Voice: Thank God I found the good in goodbye). I had no reason again to remember the four that left me in the lurch because you saw the beauty in my meaningless nothingness (Celine Dion’s Voice: My world is a better place because you loved me).
I remember the lonely nights I stayed up and listened to the sad love songs especially Miley Cyrus’ Stay; wallowing in self pity with Amy Winehouse’s You Know am No Good yet trying to fight back the tears and giving myself hope with Amy Winehouse’s The Tears Dry on Their Own. Believe me I tried to get over the hurt of my past and the betrayals of the exes (Rihanna’s Voice: What’s love without tragedy?) I kept pondering on the meaning of the mysteries of love (Lady Gaga’s Voice: In love if it isn’t rough then it isn’t fair).
You came along like a fresh breath of sunshine and lightened up my world and I still can’t believe I let you in (Beyonce’s voice: Remember those walls I built? Baby they are tumbling down). With you I found hope to love again and I was ready to have another Bad Romance, I said to myself just because Judas betrayed me and gave me a Poker Face is no reason to let myself sad; so I picked up my Telephone and called you my Alejandro to Just Dance.
I remember my pleadings and tears to god of love Cupid to send you to me (Amy Winehouse’ Voice: Cupid please draw back your bow and send your arrow straight into my lover’s heart). Cupid decided to play a Love Game with me and brought you to me from a far away land. My love is of a distant land and cannot stay, a dragon must he slay and its head lay down at my feet for us to be forever united. A few precious moments were we able to snatch from life’s fleeting time, after many mountains I sojourned to bring him the fruit of my love (Rihanna’s Voice: Wherever you going, I wanna go, wherever you headed just let me know; just can’t bear the thought of you miles away).
The dear old romantic in me wasn’t going to lie low and let distance be a barrier between us, the loneliness got me (Brandy’s Voice: There’s only so many songs that I could sing to pass the time). I packed my bags to be with you and for me it was Coming Home all the way, the world glowed beautiful and in you I found the joy of my heart (Rihanna’s Voice: I choose to be happy, you and I we like diamonds in the sky). Friends, family and even the enemies thought I was mad to embark on what they called a suicide journey but I couldn’t care less because with you I will go the end of the earth if it means you will be there waiting (Beyonce’s Voice: You got me so crazy in love right now and I love@ you like X.O.).
Remember that night we spent under the moonlight and stars, rolling together as one in a warm, passionate embrace? That is a memory I would hold and cherish dear, as I patiently await the return of my hero as I sit down by the window like a lonely widow. The end of the war signals the widow’s mourning but the end of the quest for knowledge signifies our reunion (Alicia Key’s Voice: I don’t worry cause everything is gonna be alright!).
This post is dedicated to lovers who are in a long distance relationship. While the nights may seem hard and cold with no one to hold close, hold steadfast in the strength of your love. Cherish the moments you have together because so many won’t get the chance to say goodbye.
Note: All the italicized, bracketed and bold words are either names of songs or lyrics from a song by the artist mentioned.
Written by: A Hopeless Romantic
Edited by: Poshkid Gidigenius
Poshkid Gidigenius is a National Diploma holder in Mass Communication from Yaba College of Technology. He currently majors in English at the University of Lagos and has a voracious appetite for Literature. He is also passionate about writing and hasbeen a contributing author on a number of blogs. He has a love for entertainment and has written a number of opinionated articles on issues concerning the entertainment industry. Follow on Twitter or Instagram @gidigenius
You came along like a fresh breath of sunshine and lightened up my world and I still can’t believe I let you in (Beyonce’s voice: Remember those walls I built? Baby they are tumbling down). With you I found hope to love again and I was ready to have another Bad Romance, I said to myself just because Judas betrayed me and gave me a Poker Face is no reason to let myself sad; so I picked up my Telephone and called you my Alejandro to Just Dance.
I remember my pleadings and tears to god of love Cupid to send you to me (Amy Winehouse’ Voice: Cupid please draw back your bow and send your arrow straight into my lover’s heart). Cupid decided to play a Love Game with me and brought you to me from a far away land. My love is of a distant land and cannot stay, a dragon must he slay and its head lay down at my feet for us to be forever united. A few precious moments were we able to snatch from life’s fleeting time, after many mountains I sojourned to bring him the fruit of my love (Rihanna’s Voice: Wherever you going, I wanna go, wherever you headed just let me know; just can’t bear the thought of you miles away).
The dear old romantic in me wasn’t going to lie low and let distance be a barrier between us, the loneliness got me (Brandy’s Voice: There’s only so many songs that I could sing to pass the time). I packed my bags to be with you and for me it was Coming Home all the way, the world glowed beautiful and in you I found the joy of my heart (Rihanna’s Voice: I choose to be happy, you and I we like diamonds in the sky). Friends, family and even the enemies thought I was mad to embark on what they called a suicide journey but I couldn’t care less because with you I will go the end of the earth if it means you will be there waiting (Beyonce’s Voice: You got me so crazy in love right now and I love@ you like X.O.).
Remember that night we spent under the moonlight and stars, rolling together as one in a warm, passionate embrace? That is a memory I would hold and cherish dear, as I patiently await the return of my hero as I sit down by the window like a lonely widow. The end of the war signals the widow’s mourning but the end of the quest for knowledge signifies our reunion (Alicia Key’s Voice: I don’t worry cause everything is gonna be alright!).
This post is dedicated to lovers who are in a long distance relationship. While the nights may seem hard and cold with no one to hold close, hold steadfast in the strength of your love. Cherish the moments you have together because so many won’t get the chance to say goodbye.
Note: All the italicized, bracketed and bold words are either names of songs or lyrics from a song by the artist mentioned.
Written by: A Hopeless Romantic
Edited by: Poshkid Gidigenius
Poshkid Gidigenius is a National Diploma holder in Mass Communication from Yaba College of Technology. He currently majors in English at the University of Lagos and has a voracious appetite for Literature. He is also passionate about writing and hasbeen a contributing author on a number of blogs. He has a love for entertainment and has written a number of opinionated articles on issues concerning the entertainment industry. Follow on Twitter or Instagram @gidigenius
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