Does your mind ever snap because mine does and lately it is becoming often? When I talk about mind snapping I mean that period when you feel on top of the world, feeling cool and fly with yourself and you have no worries in the world. Simply put, your hyper period! You go all crazy and wild and do things that you would not normally do when you are in your real state. Sometimes it is usually triggered by something and other times it can just come over you and at that particular time you have no control over it.
When my mind snaps, I am usually more daring and brighter, during such a state of mind, my confidence level is running over a hundred percent and I can’t help but feel like I have the world beneath my feet. Some have conveniently explained it as your alter ego coming over you and have gone ahead to give their supposed alter egos different names. They believe it is not the real you but a part of you that rears its head once in a blue moon and exposes the wild side of you. When my mind snaps, there is no stopping me then, I am on a roll and the grind is usually fast paced. My creative juices are usually flowing in excess then and that controversial article I have been restraining myself from writing comes pouring out of me like a flowing fountain, that opinion about a societal issue that I have been refraining from commenting on sees the light of day. I have come to realize that my best is usually put forward when I am sinking in a abyss of depression or this mind snapping period where I am feeling all happy and go-getting blood is coursing through my veins. Don’t mistake the mind snapping state as an euphoric feeling because I know it is not.
I don’t know how to explain it but I know I have the most fun when my mind snaps. I call it my hyper mode or refer to it as my alter ego coming out. Now that is the wild side of my life. We have all had our crazy fun so don’t be so ashamed of your mind snapping state. A life without a bit of fun isn’t so cool, no stories of crazy adventures to tell the kids or be able to relate with them. Let yourself loose and free yourself, allow your mind to snap once in a while.
Coming Soon: Diaries of the Fabulous Bitches
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Something about that story that is coming soon got my own mind snapping.