Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Hottie of The Week - Ogamba Chisom Paula

Our first hottie of the week on Akin's Corner is pretty Ogamba Chisom Paula. With her smile that would sure dazzle you, this movie loving beauty kicks off our hottie of the week column. Find out more about her after the cut

Full Name:                         Ogamba Chisom Paula
Hobbies:                            Dancing, Watching Movies and Reading Novels
Favourite Colour:              Black
Occupation:                       Student
Location:                           Lagos
Relationship Status:         Currently Dating
BBM Pin:                         7B262375

Instagram Handle:           @paulalopez932 

In the meanwhile see more photos:

Remember to get featured as a hottie on the blog, all you have to do is send your pictures with answers to the information above like your full name, hobbies, and the likes. Send to with the subject as "Hottie of the Week" or you can also open a chat with our admin on our BBM Channel.

Keep updated, follow on Twitter and Instagram with @iamposhkid. You can also join other readers by subscribing to Akin's Corner BBM Channel for instant updates. Simply search for "Akin's Corner" or with pin: C00396EEB


  1. thank you akin for this great honour... i appreciate ur wirk keep it up dear the sky is ur starting point


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