I stood at the back of the hall
She saw me not
The clock ticked rapidly towards my fall
She moved further into his embrace – all is lost
The forgotten lover’s cry none heard
The lot of them knew not of my grief – dead
The priest’s pronouncement my final judgment
Husband and wife as they were meant
I smiled and smiled and smiled
Face stretched taut
I should have cried
For a fleeting second she looked my way
Blank, she recalled not her love for me on a sunny day
When she laid in my bed damp from my affection
That moment when nothing in the world mattered but my attention
My best friend – the groom, came to me then
I smiled, I laughed, I joked, all a feign
That I love his bride I cannot tell him
Perhaps I should have on a whim
Alas the day was over
She came stealing into my bed under night’s cover
A secret passion
Tell the world not of this forbidden fashion
Let lips speak it not on the street
This pleasure I cannot give up, too sweet!
I love you she whispered silently
I held her closer as on my face the moon’s shine appeared brightly
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