This is the introduction part of the Dairies of The Fabulous Bitches Series. This series explores the lives of three university girls, Annie, Bonnie and Elena who consider themselves to have pitch perfect lives and are more sophisticated than everybody else.
However in their diaries, these three girls bare it all; their pain, joy, sadness, happiness, fears, achievements and the challenges encountered growing up. I do hope you have an enjoyable read daily. Meet the girls:
If there is any word for a mixture of introvert and extrovert then I believe it should be me. But the temperament of melancholic best describes me. Bonnie and Elena that make up The Plastics with me wont let me rest when I go all shy and act cool, God are those girls ever LOUD. Bonnie is always picking on me and on my nerves and although Elena has her mean streak, she down plays it a bit. I believe I am confident in myself but Bonnie and Elena have never agreed with this always believing I have a low self esteem. It’s simply my trust issues they are mistaking for low self esteem after all what’s there to feel low about. I have high grades in school and I am in a relationship with a dashing engineer (ok engineering major but who cares the difference!) I have two other BFFS Phil and Rita but they seem to be gradually fading. Can’t talk much today, had an exhausting day and I hope tomorrow is a bit better. See ya around!
Sexy? Check! Beautiful? Check! Rich and exotic? Are you kidding me? Perfect life? Double check, that’s me for you. Have you ever been in a situation where you are oblivious of your own power and suddenly when you realize the control you over, you start over exercising it? Everybody considers me a mean bitch just because I know how pretty I am and I never hesitate to use it to my advantage. Let the conservatives keep ranting their thrash about how using what you have to get what you want is wrong. Well I am not really a slut (ok maybe I can be quite over flirty at times but that comes with the territory of being young and extremely hot) I am not a bad girl but I just like to play with the boys’ boners. Most of the guys want to get in my pants so I know my own power and I bask in it. I don’t like people easy except of course for that biyatch Elena. Funny thing is I hated Elena when I first met her but that biatch so cool you can’t help liking her. I have a dramatic love life and you can call me a whore for dating someone twice my age but like I said I don’t like people so who cares how them haters feel. I live a fabulously mean life and that is all that matters.
Think good girl gone bad and you have me. I like to think of myself as a chameleon because I adapt so quickly to my environment and always make sure things work out in my favour, Hopeless romantic that is a sucker for love, you won’t see that side of me in public because I always have my guards up and won’t let you near my walls by ten thousand miles. I get so freaky at times it scares the people around me but cray Bonnie is got my back. That bi*ch so self centred she thinks the world revolves around her pretty face. I am in this serious relationship with someone from another side of the world but it gets so lonely what’s a girl supposed to do (keep my secret diary; I got myself a concubine). Nobody knows about it my girls. Annie needs a lot of growing up to do but I still love her anywaiz while Bonnie’s reign of terror is over stepping its bound. Got to run off now, the damn phone won’t quit ringing.
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