Everybody is just annoying me today, first it started with Wayne (a loose mouthed bitch that I have known since like forever.) She has been saying bad stuffs about me to people and spreading rumours that I am mean. Miss Perfect Elena then had to do hers as well; she got me all upset when we went to eye clinic today for my eye test. She argued with me over the whole procedure and in the end we had to leave the clinic with nothing achieved. Why does she always have to act so perfect and like she knows it all? We parted ways at the clinic and I left for my apartment in a huff.
The only high point of the day is that Maxwell called me and we really talked about the things going on with us. It was so romantic when he called, played Miley Cyrus’ ‘Stay’ over the phone before he started talking (he knows I have a weakness for that song as it gets me all mushy). We spoke at length about everything and alas I believe things are going to be better. Saw my darling, lively Bonnie in the evening (usually we don’t get along quite well but we seem to be jelling with Elena’s recent acts of perfection). I have the feeling Bonnie is still hurt about Elena because Miss Perfect has refused to apologize, I guess they will sort themselves out, the bed calls now.
Friday and I am making this quick entry into the diary on my phone. Jeez writing sucks so much but this has to be done. School has been annoying lately without my two favourite bitches so I didn’t go anywhere near it today (the only course I have today wasn’t important anywaiz.) Mide and I fooled around today; he likes wrestling so he challenged me to a wrestling match. I wanted to prove to him that I might be a girl didn’t mean I couldn’t hold my own against a guy. We wrestled with him in just his shorts *eyes closed* (#fingers crossed I wasn’t looking!) I won the match *yaaay* and tied his hands to his leg (SnM rocks!*wink*) I made him promise never to disturb me to wrestle again which he did quickly and I released him. Annie hit me up on the phone that she was near my apartment and though it was out of my way of where I wanted to get dinner I decided not to avoid her today (I have missed her and Elena really). As usual we were the center of attention (or I was the center of attentionlol), heads turned, necks craned, the hating bitches gossiped but I didn’t pay any mind to them all. It comes with the territory of being a hot chick. Annie just ran into her crush so I am standing by letting them talk. Mide is pinging like a crazy man now, says have taken too long and is worried whether I am lost, got to run off now…asta lavista honeybunch!
My mind is still heavy; I am running out of time and the Bonnie that Nelly thinks I can talk to has been keeping her distance from me. I have bad shit to deal with now that I am less bothered about saving our falling friendship. Annie pissed me off today in her usual fashion when I took her to a clinic for eye test and she had to go acting like a Johnny just come Lagos kinda hoe. Such a dumb phuck! Wasted day, did a quick dash in and dash out at the family crib.
I am hooking up with my side dude Afeez (the concubine) later this night. We got serious talk and I hope the night turns out well. I am too moody to write, I just want the night over already.
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