To shave or not to shave, that's one beauty question that plagues men. Most men are absent minded about health and beauty tips that concerns them. Maintaining a good look is however essential to men as well and these beauty tips could be done at home in a matter of seconds if you are willing to give it a try.

Here are tips on getting a perfect shave for men:
1. Shave In The Morning: Your skin is at its best after a night’s rest.
2.Wash Your Face: First clean skin will help prevent infection if you cut yourself during the shaving.
3.Use Hot Water: Humidity and warmth increase skin elasticity and soften the toughness of hair.
4.Apply Shaving Cream Or Gel In A Circular Motion: This softens and lifts your hair and smooths the skin for a closer shave with less irritation.
5.Use Both Hands: One to hold the razor; the other to pull and stretch your skin; razors with rubber guards gently stretch the skin for a more precise shave as well.
6.Hair grows in different directions, always shave with the grain, then follow up with a swipe or two against.
7.Control is Key: Use short strokes. Don’t press too hard. Blades that have a pivoting head can help to distribute pressure and easily follow sensitive contours of the face to prevent scratching.
8.Don’t Forget To Rinse When you’re Finished: Rinse your razor under hot running water it’s the most hygienic and effective way to clean it.
9.Splash Your Face With Cold Water : This will close up your pores.

Let's not forget it takes nothing much to live a healthy life just like they say Health is wealth. The business of looking good is for everybody.

Writer: Kalu Davids
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