Friday, 18 October 2013

Beauty Tip: Shaving Tips For Men

To shave or not to shave, that's one beauty question that plagues men. Most men are absent minded about health and beauty tips that concerns them. Maintaining a good look is however essential to men as well and these beauty tips could be done at home in a matter of seconds if you are willing to give it a try.

Here are tips on getting a perfect shave for men:
1. Shave In The Morning: Your skin is at its best after a night’s rest.                     
2.Wash Your Face: First clean skin will help prevent infection if you cut yourself during the shaving.                            
3.Use Hot Water: Humidity and warmth increase skin elasticity and soften the toughness of hair.                                      
4.Apply Shaving Cream Or Gel In A Circular Motion: This softens and lifts your hair and smooths the skin for a closer shave with less irritation.               
5.Use Both Hands: One to hold the razor; the other to pull and stretch your skin; razors with rubber guards gently stretch the skin for a more precise shave as well.                               
6.Hair grows in different directions, always shave with the grain, then follow up with a swipe or two against.     
7.Control is Key: Use short strokes. Don’t press too hard. Blades that have a pivoting head can help to distribute pressure and easily follow sensitive contours of the face to prevent scratching.                                                 
8.Don’t Forget To Rinse When you’re Finished: Rinse your razor under hot running water it’s the most hygienic and effective way to clean it.                    
9.Splash Your Face With Cold Water : This will close up your pores.          

Let's not forget it takes nothing much to live a healthy life just like they say Health is wealth. The business of looking good is for everybody.

Writer: Kalu Davids

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