Please note that this post has nothing to do with the owner of this blog and all references to persons real or fictional is not intentional but pure coincidence. Neither does the post have any intention to ridicule any religion whatsoever. Do have an enjoyable read. If you missed the first episode you can CLICK HERE
I spotted Ezekiel standing close to the Ministers Corner and I realized he was an usher. Trust old fool Ezekiel to take active part in church, the real ordeal was about to start. A short bald man came to the pulpit to preach his nonsense and I relaxed in my seat to listen to his bullshit…
He started off with a short prayer and I could see the scared solemnity in the air as all members of the congregation listened to him. He started off with greetings that were supposed coming from the Lord and I wondered when he must have heard any such greeting. It was probably just a voice in his head that he was mistaking for the voice of the Lord. Then he went into the sermon for the day and maybe it was just my luck but he was preaching about the importance of salvation and believing in the Lord.
I was bored with this idiot of a man shouting at the top of his voice about how people were going to burn in hell if they didn’t give their life to Christ. I snickered when he began to tell that age long tale of how Jesus was persecuted and crucified on the cross. The woman sitting down beside me looked at me as if I had committed a sacrilege and I stared right back at her with a mean look on my face. Who the hell did she think she was, some holier than thou pretender? Like we didn’t know her type, church going devils, they pretended to be nice and holy but deep down their thoughts are evil.
I don’t care about any of the people here and I was only too glad when the pastor stopped screaming about brimstones and lakes of fire. How anybody could believe such ridiculous nonsense bothered me or how they could come up with such ludicrous stories that were so obviously untrue to anybody with half a brain. I stared around me and saw the people in their gullible madness hanging on the words and soaking up everything like a baby takes to its mother’s breast milk.
Well I was glad I wasn’t part of this nonsense and I got more enraged when they started passing the offering basket around. If these people thought I was going to part with any of my hard earned money just so their pastors can ride around in luxurious cars or even buy jets and all they had to have another thought coming. I hissed when they passed the basket to me and refuse to collect it from the person next to me, instead I started picking my nails in a bored manner and the woman was forced to stand and pass it on herself.
I couldn’t take this rubbish anymore, I stood up and made for the door and I saw my dear old fool friend Ezekiel hurriedly stand up from his seat and rush towards me….
To be continuedconfessions-of-atheist-day-in-church.
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